属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-爱在潜逃路 惊悚小说也催泪
1 | 明白一切的女儿嘲讽地看着事情发展的态势,跟着父亲匆匆赶路,而在埃里克眼里,这次绑架就是一次童话般的冒险。然而劳拉的律师指责他“行为古怪,缺乏为人父的责任心”。途中,他用垃圾食品喂养小麦朵,带她涉过冰冷的湖水,甚至留她孤身一人。他总会被逮捕,关键是何时以何种方式。 | Eric regards the kidnapping as a fairy-tale adventure; his daughter, wryly intelligent, is swept along. But Laura’s lawyer accuses him of “bizarre, neglectful parenting”. On the lam he lets Meadow wade into a freezing lake, feeds her junk food and leaves her unattended. The question is not if he will be caught, but how and when. | |
2 | “回头看看,感觉就像一个童话。”他对班上的同学说。 | "It feels like a fairy tale when you look back on it, " he says of the class. | |
3 | “她只是一个人们可能会读到的某个童话故事里的人物…我把她比作希望。”我冲她眨眨眼作为回应。 | "She’s just a fairy tale character others will read about. . . and metaphor for hope to me, " I replied with a wink. | |
4 | “美女和野兽”那才叫童话 | Now "Beauty And The Beast" -- That’s A Fairy Tale . | |
5 | “我不知道,”,她答道,“他只是一个童话人物。” | "I don’t know, " she replied. "He’s just a fairy tale character. " | |
6 | Peasemore是一个童话般的乡村,如果用托利党“破裂社会”的话说,这个村早就不应该存在了。 | Peasemore is the sort of fairy-tale village that, judging by Tory rhetoric about the "broken society" , ought no longer to exist. | |
7 | 不幸的是,戴安娜王妃和查尔斯王子童话般的婚礼没能走向一段永远幸福快乐的婚后生活。 | Unfortunately, the fairy tale wedding of Princess Diana and Prince Charles did not lead to a happily-ever-after marriage. | |
8 | 但是,伯纳德-马多夫(BernardMadoff)被控的500亿美元投资欺诈案给这个童话世界造成了沉重的打击,痛彻骨髓。 | But Bernard Madoff’s alleged $50bn investment scam has struck residents of this fairy tale spot with a bone-shattering thud. | |
9 | 当然我们都知道这样一个童话故事,小鸡认为天空塌下来了,因为一个果子击中了他的头。 | Of course we all know the fairy tale about Chicken Little who assumesthe sky is falling when he gets hit in the head by an acorn. | |
10 | 当他向洛杉矶法院提交了离婚申请时,他们童话般的婚姻结束了。 | Their marriage is over. Their fairy tale marriage ended in February, when he filed for divorce in Los Angeles. | |
11 | 对时尚产业中的很多人来说,凯特•米德尔顿(KateMiddleton)的童话故事与浪漫毫无关系,却充满金融色彩。 | Forget the romance, for many in the fashion industry, Kate Middleton’s fairy tale is a financial one. | |
12 | 而把一篇新闻报道说成是“童话故事”,则是说它显然在说谎的一种常用说法。 | Calling an account a "fairy tale " , however, is also a common way of saying that it is an obvious lie. | |
13 | 发丹麦人的财不是童话 | Earning money in Denmark isn’t fairy tale | |
14 | 古代小说中骊山老母形象的演化及文化阐释 | Evolution and Cultures of the Image of Lishan Mother the Fairy Tale in Classic Stories | |
15 | 故事来源于威廉.斯泰格创作的童话故事图画书。 | A fairy tale picture book written by William Steig inspired its story. | |
16 | 孩子们在听老人讲童话故事。 | The children are listening to the old man telling a fairy tale . | |
17 | 好的童话就像一把锁,能锁住孩子想象力的隐形翅膀。 | Good fairy tale is a lock that keeps the children’s invisible wings of imagination safe. | |
18 | 还有那些内勤员工,像极了童话中的鞋匠,在你睡觉的时候,他们正在(印度的)班加罗尔替你打点账目。 | Or the back office person who, much like those shoemakers in the fairy tale , now stitches your accounts in Bangalore while you sleep. | |
19 | 还有追求完美生活的想法是一个童话而已,只是用来使我们不满与现在的生活罢了。 | I thinkthe very idea of attaining our Best Lives is a fairy tale that keeps usfrom being satisfied with our Real Lives. | |
20 | 几个月以来,媒体以及公众已经深深沉迷于新娘的美丽和童话般的完美。 | For months, the news media and the public have swooned over how beautiful and fairy-tale perfect the bride was. | |
21 | 她现在手头有两件事,一篇成人童话和政治寓言。 | She’s working on two projects now, an adult novel and a "political fairy tale . " | |
22 | 今天是“童话之父”安徒生去世136周年。他于1875年8月4日逝世,享年70岁。 | Today is the 136 anniversary of Andersen , father of fairy tale . He passed away on August 4th, 1875, at the age of 70. | |
23 | 老师告诉她那是一篇“神话”,因为她所列举的工作没有一项是女人能够做的。 | The teacher told her it was a "fairy tale " and that none of the occupations she listed were women’s jobs. | |
24 | 淋过雨的空气,疲倦了的伤心,我记忆里的童话已经慢慢的融化。 | The air had been out in the rain, tired of sadness, I remembered fairy tale has slowly melting. | |
25 | 每个女孩从小到大都在梦想一个仙女童话般的婚礼,而有的人真的办到了! | Every girl grows up dreaming of a Fairy Tale Wedding and some actually make it! | |
26 | 男人的极致,不是成为一个王子,而是成为一个骑士,或者将军。男人不应该存在于童话里,而是战场上。 | The ultimate man is not a prince, but to become a knight, or general. Men should not exist in a fairy tale , but on the battlefield. | |
27 | 你俩正如童话故事中的王子和公主,祝你们永远幸福快乐! | You two are the prince and princess in a fairy tale and may you live happily everafter! | |
28 | 你找到了一个童话,在爱的启发下,在渴望的推动下,你开始了自己的旅程并把她变成了真实。 | You found a fairy tale , and inspired by love, fueled by desire, you set out a journey to make her real. | |
29 | 你最喜欢的童话故事是哪个? | What’s your favourite fairy tale ? | |
30 | 农村也不再是世外桃源,这些年来我们已经记不清有多少关于癌症村的报道了。 | The fairy tale about rural Never Land has gone forever, and in recent years we are overwhelmed by countless reports of rural Cancer Land. |